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Essential resources for banking executives:Enter ‘Banking Reinvented’

Modern slavery and human trafficking statement

Backbase is committed to ensuring that it understands the issues addressed by the UK’s Modern Slavery Act 2015, and takes appropriate measures to stay compliant with this act to ensure that no modern slavery exists within the Backbase entities or our supply chain.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Backbase takes to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Policy, Code of Conduct and Training

Backbase’s Code of Conduct outlines our continued commitment to ethical business practices. Approved by the Management Team of Backbase, the Code of Conduct sets the standard for our employees in their dealings with customers, partners, competitors, and vendors.

All Backbase employees and suppliers must review and accept the Backbase Code of Conduct, and are contractually committed to comply. Annual refresher policy awareness training is also mandatory for employees, freelancers and contractors.

Supply Chain

Our supply chain consists of a technically skilled, professional labor force of software development and project implementation teams located in multiple regions globally.

Despite our low risk, Backbase performs risk assessments on suppliers during the selection process to identify potential risk areas regarding modern slavery or human trafficking. If identified, we conduct further due diligence to ensure that our suppliers also understand and commit to ensuring no modern slavery exists within their organisations and supply chains.

Ongoing Commitment

Our commitment against modern slavery and ethical business practices will continue through our supplier due diligence program and in monitoring of changes in legal and regulatory changes.

Jouk Pleiter, Founder & CEO
May 2023