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How we hire

Tech application

1. Application

We’ll review your application and get back to you within one week.

2. Perfect fit

Over Google meet, we’ll chat about your experience and why you want to work for Backbase.

3. Your skills test

There will be a short task for you to work on and a technical discussion about the solution you propose.

4. Department interview

You'll meet the hiring manager to make sure we are aligned when it comes to the role, team dynamics, goals and ambitions.

5. Welcome to Backbase

We are excited to have your onboard and become a Backbaser

Non-Tech application

1. Application

We’ll review your application and get back to you within one week.

2. Perfect fit

Over Google meet, we’ll chat about your experience and why you want to work for Backbase.

3. Department Interview

Meeting your future colleagues, going in depth on your skills and how they relate to the role

4. Case study with a presentation

On this stage you’ll required to complete a task or case study and present it to the future colleagues you will be collaborating with

5. Welcome to Backbase

We are excited to have your onboard and become a Backbaser