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Overcoming the “buy vs. build” dilemma with a unified banking platform

 - 25 mins 

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Episode 12 of Banking Reinvented explores a key dilemma that many financial institutions are facing: choosing between buying ready-made technology solutions or building bespoke systems in-house.

Together, Tim Rutten and Backbase CEO Jouk Pleiter discuss the evolution of this decision from an "either/or" choice to a more integrated "buy-plus-build" strategy. They highlight how organizations can use pre-built platforms while still customizing components to maximize efficiency and differentiation.

Tune in to explore the economics, trade-offs, and long-term value of both approaches in order to modernize progressively and avoid technical debt.

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  • Tim Rutten

    Tim Rutten

    Chief Marketing Officer, Backbase


  • Jouk Pleiter

    Jouk Pleiter

    Founder & CEO, Backbase