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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Optimize your digital customer experience or leave money on the table

Learn how to deliver an engaging customer experience

The value of offering a world-class customer experience in banking is no longer theoretical. Today’s customers have been clear about their preference for a digital-first, frictionless and personalized experience with their financial institution of choice. Banks that don’t meet those needs leave money on the table and a gap in services that customers won’t hesitate to fill with a competitor.

To help you bridge the gap, Backbase and Banking Dive have created an insightful infographic that maps out the journey to deliver an engaging digital experience through the following three pillars:

  1. Digital technologies
  2. Frictionless between channels
  3. Personalization

Most banks struggle to meet these expectations.

Instead, they end up delivering an experience that is…