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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Unifying customer and employee experiences with two streamlined apps

BRD had all the ingredients of a major player but struggled with legacy infrastructure, fragmented architecture, and an outdated institutional culture. To attain market differentiation, the bank chose a disruptive approach: completely re-architecting its front and back-end processes around the customer.

With the help of Backbase, BRD created an extremely well-received web and mobile retail app, plus an influential employee portal.

This allowed them to:

  • Achieve a high digital adoption rate
  • Accelerate their release cycle
  • Increase employee productivity and satisfaction
  • Create new opportunities for upsell and cross-sell
In the digitalization process, our aim was to make use of modern technology focused on delivering an omnichannel, seamless experience that would lead to the satisfaction of both our customers and employees and improve the overall engagement. Backbase helped us do that, and we continue to build together a great customer journey.

Radu Topliceanu, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at BRD