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Deliver customer-first, employee-friendly journeys with Backbase Digital Lending

Discover how Backbase Digital Lending can help you deliver customer-first journeys, all while empowering your teams to deliver extraordinary service. The demo showcases how our Engagement Banking Platform can help you increase ROI, reduce processing costs, and improve your overall customer experience. Key scenes include:

  • the Head of Lending identifying potential segments for cross-selling
  • the Head of Marketing executing a targeted campaign
  • a customer named Daniel applying for a motorcycle loan seamlessly through the app
  • an underwriter manually reviewing a loan application
  • the bank proactively assisting Daniel with a potential risk of loan default

The demo emphasizes the importance of tailored product recommendations and automation in the loan origination process to provide a better customer experience.

Key takeaways:

  • Banks should focus on an integrated engagement capability to make tailored product recommendations and personalizations to existing customers.
  • Manual processes for loan applications are cumbersome and time-consuming; automation and a 360° customer view can streamline the process and increase efficiency.
  • Becoming a trusted financial advisor to customers can boost loyalty and Net Promoter Score.

If you’re interested in modernizing your bank’s loan origination systems, you can schedule a chat with Backbase’s experts.