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Modern slavery and human trafficking statement

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Backbase takes to ensure that modern slavery and human trafficking are not taking place within our business operations and supply chain.

About Backbase

Backbase is a privately funded fintech company founded in 2003. We offer an Engagement Banking Platform to financial institutions globally, ranging from large banks to credit unions and community banks, to help modernize every phase of their customer lifecycle.

Backbase has its global HQ in Amsterdam and regional offices across the world.

Third-party due diligence

Our supply chain mostly consists of a technically skilled, professional labor force of software development and project implementation teams located in multiple regions globally.

Although we are considered low risk when it comes to modern slavery risks within our operations and supply chain, Backbase performs a risk assessment on suppliers and partners (“Third Parties”) to identify potential risk areas regarding modern slavery or human trafficking. If identified, we conduct further due diligence and ensure that our Third Parties understand and commit to eliminating such risks within their organizations and supply chains. This is part of our Third Party Assurance Program.

Due diligence is conducted on all new Third Parties during onboarding and on existing Third Parties at regular intervals.

Training and awareness

Backbase’s Code of Conduct outlines our continued commitment to ethical business practices. Approved by the Management Team of Backbase, the Code of Conduct sets the standard for our employees in their dealings with customers, partners, competitors, and suppliers.

All Backbase employees must review and accept the Backbase Code of Conduct during onboarding. They are contractually committed to comply. Annual refresher policy awareness training is also mandatory for employees, freelancers, and contractors.

Backbase has a Speak-Up Policy and Speak-Up service that allows confidential reporting (where permitted) of any suspected concerns or potential violations of our policies or the law, including potential human rights violations.

We are currently developing a Third Party Code of Conduct to be made available to our Third Parties. This Third Party Code of Conduct will outline, amongst other topics, our zero tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery and violation of human rights, and our requirement for our Third Parties to adhere to the same principles.

Ongoing commitment

Backbase is committed to continuous improvement in our efforts to identify, prevent, and remedy modern slavery abuses in our own operations or supply chain. We aim to maintain the highest standards in our processes to underline our commitment to combating modern slavery and human trafficking.

Furthermore, we are a participant of the United Nations Global Compact and remain steadfast in our support for the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact. We have recently reiterated our commitment to embedding the Ten Principles into the strategy, culture, and daily operations of our company.

This statement is made with respect to the financial year ended 31 December 2023.

Jouk Pleiter, Founder & CEO

August 2024