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Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

At Backbase, we recognise the importance of a diverse workforce and belonging. We are Dutch by birth, but global and diverse, just like the world we operate in. A sense of belonging is key to our Backbase culture and we thrive in a workspace of support and inclusiveness.

Diversity Header

Women at Backbase Impact Group

Our mission is to foster and promote an inclusive environment that supports and encourages women to advance their skills and achieve their leadership potential through connection, mentorship, and collaboration.
Our Women Mentorship Program offers career development opportunities for participants and enables pathways for internal growth.

Associate sponsor for the myAvtar Job Fair for Women 2023

Women Impact Group

Backbase DE&I committee

Backbase has a DE&I committee who comprises a small group of Backbasers including an HR representative, management team representatives, and an executive sponsor. A passionate group with a shared vision of making Backbase better.

That's why we commit to:

UN Global Compact

We're a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact and remain committed to incorporating universal principles of human rights, labor, environmentalism, and anti-corruption into our business strategy, policies, and practices
