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Backend Engineers about challenges and development

Let’s take a deep dive into the work of a Backbase Back-End Engineer, including their core responsibilities, the necessary technical skills, the daily challenges they face, and more.

Careers stories challenges and development

What was your development path in Backbase?

Raghavendra Mudium

Backbase has a well-designed career framework for engineers. Each role comes with its own set of responsibilities that are clearly defined so that an individual’s career goals and organizational goals are always aligned. This transparency in the career framework gives anyone an opportunity to explore more areas of interest and switch between roles horizontally or move up the ladder. As a Back-End Engineer, my development path is open based on my excellence and interest towards either solution architecting or leading the Back-End Engineering chapter at BDC India.

Harikesh Pallantla

I started my journey at Backbase as a Junior Back-End Engineer, and I was fortunate enough to have a mentor through the buddy system, which helped me acclimate to the product. Thanks to my hard work and exceptional performance, I was promoted to a Back-End Engineer within the first year by following the career framework.

Manan Prajapati

Backbase has a great career framework which helps developers to grow in different areas of expertise. As a Back-End Engineer, I'm working on a BaaS (Backbase-as-a-Service) platform to provide back-end integrations for the client. During this period, I got a chance to learn and integrate different Backbase capabilities, which helps to deliver complex retail banking features.

Hemachandru Kesavan

As a Back-End Engineer, it helps me to understand the process of the banking industry. It gives an idea of how to design, develop and manage highly intensive applications for customers in different regions. This allows me to gain a lot of experience from different people across the globe. The career framework helps developers grow and increases their product knowledge and their ability to create technology that solves real-world problems.

Why is working for Backbase Engineering a unique experience?

R.M. Though being part of Product Implementation gives the opportunity to engage with our customers, it is also possible to balance and enhance my engineering skills with ongoing technical workshops, knowledge sharing between engineers, and constructive feedback from the different teams of product engineering, which makes the experience unique.

H.P. At Backbase, we are at the forefront of technology in the digital banking industry, utilizing cutting-edge solutions. The company fosters a collaborative and supportive work environment, where colleagues from all teams are willing to offer their assistance and support through constructive feedback, technical workshops, and knowledge-sharing sessions.

M.P. Working on the Backbase platform helps you to understand how different modules are linked together to deliver seamless integration between different Backbase capabilities and core banking features.

H.K. At Backbase, we use cutting-edge technologies in banking solutions, which paves the way for larger customer growth and helps you to understand finTech products. It helps to understand the process and the world’s banking needs.

Tell us more about technical challenges you are facing in your daily job

R.M. The Back-End Engineering chapter mostly focuses on API integrations, cloud-native development, and infrastructure support. The usual challenges we face occur during the development of integration components with core banking systems in which internal architectures are tightly coupled. Also, the infrastructure support we provide is directly related to how large a financial institution can scale its customer base. This comes with the challenge of handling and maintaining infrastructure that can cater to millions of requests, which means it must be a highly available and reliable system.

H.P. Working in the digital banking industry can present some technical challenges, particularly when dealing with client APIs that are not accessible from our local system. This makes development and testing via clusters particularly challenging. Debugging on production is also difficult, as direct access to resources is limited and often requires coordination with various teams, even for simple tasks such as obtaining cluster configuration information or executing a database query.

M.P. As a Back-End Engineer, our major efforts are towards the integration of core-banking APIs with Backbase’s out-of-the-box APIs.

H.K. The Back-End Engineer role involves building core business logic for systems. We primarily focus on integration with core APIs and enhancing products for larger audiences.