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Using an anchor platform to drive sustainable growth in banking

 - 24 mins 

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Episode 13 of ‘Banking Reinvented’ explores how banks can achieve sustainable growth by using an anchor platform.

Once again, Tim Rutten is joined by Backbase Founder/CEO Jouk Pleiter, and together they discuss the key decisions leadership teams face when simplifying IT and modernizing customer journeys for growth. They emphasize the need for a unified platform to increase efficiency and improve the customer experience.

Discover how banks can compete with digital-first challengers like Revolut and how they can challenge the status quo to adopt a transformative mindset in their banking operations.

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  • Tim Rutten

    Tim Rutten

    Chief Marketing Officer, Backbase


  • Jouk Pleiter

    Jouk Pleiter

    Founder & CEO, Backbase