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The future of banking: BIAN’s journey towards standardization and innovation

 - 47 mins 

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Episode 16 of the ‘Banking Reinvented’ podcast explores how the Banking Industry Architecture Network (BIAN) is transforming the future of banking with a standardized framework to modernize IT infrastructures.

Host Tim Rutten welcomes Hans Tesselaar, Executive Director at BIAN, and Roland Booijen, GM of Ecosystems at Backbase.They explore how BIAN is driving innovation through industry-wide collaboration and standardized APIs, helping banks shift from legacy systems to agile architectures.

Learn more about the evolution of banking standards, the importance of interoperability, and the benefits of using open-source models to innovate in the banking industry.

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  • Tim Rutten

    Tim Rutten

    Chief Marketing Officer, Backbase


  • Hans Tesselaar

    Hans Tesselaar

    Executive Director at BIAN
  • Roland Booijen

    Roland Booijen

    General Manager for Ecosystem, Backbase