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Successfully implementing AI in banking: what’s working, what’s not, and what’s next

 - 41 mins 

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to bring billions of dollars of value to the banking industry — yet while many banks are running experiments, few have successfully put them into practice.

In this episode of Banking Reinvented, host Tim Rutten and Backbase Founder & CEO Jouk Pleiter are joined by special guest Henning Soller, Partner at McKinsey & Company. Together, they examine key strategies for ensuring banks are able to successfully adopt AI at their institution and drive real results.

Tune in to learn how to overcome regulatory hurdles and transform organizational mindsets, plus the importance of business leaders taking ownership of the implementation process.

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  • Tim Rutten

    Tim Rutten

    Chief Marketing Officer, Backbase
  • Jouk Pleiter

    Jouk Pleiter

    Founder & CEO, Backbase