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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Backbase Tour Johannesburg: make the customer the star

Backbase Tour Johannesburg unveils the latest innovations in Engagement Banking, bringing together leading banks from across the African continent. High-level discussions and presentations by top executives from Backbase, along with distinguished figures from the banking sector, explored the latest banking technologies with a strong focus on SME and retail banking. The discussions also addressed key topics such as open banking, strategies for building a thriving banking ecosystem, and unlocking the potential of platform-based business models for banks in the sub-region.

Explore the post-event report by African Banker Magazine for exclusive insights, including excerpts from speakers at Standard Bank Group, Mauritius Commercial Bank, Deloitte, Microsoft, Letshego, and I&M Bank. Dive into the sessions, key takeaways, and valuable presentations that define the future of banking

Our proposition is simple. What happens when you take the individual customer and place them at the centre of the banking universe. How do you then build services around what that individual customer expects? They have a whole set of activities they hope to get some support with and who better to provide that service than their bank?

Tim Rutten, Chief Strategy Officer, Backbase