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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

The three cornerstones of a better customer experience in banking

Backbase and Banking Dive help you offer the best customer experience.

Any CMO will tell you that the foundation of a good customer banking experience is understanding your customers’ needs and behaviour. And in today’s financial landscape where customers are increasingly drawn to financial institutions that go all in on customer experience, banks can improve satisfaction and retention, expand relationships, and positively affect the bottom line.

But as banking customers continue to shift into the digital age, the only way to create this foundation is to leverage data and analytics and that allow you to design the most engaging, personalized and seamless experience possible — something that doesn’t come naturally to a traditional industry wrestling with the way things have always been done.

In this report, we’ll explore three trends that show you how to form the backbone of an engaging customer experience in banking and what it takes to deliver on them.

Digital Access

that delivers a consistent, unrestricted experience for the customer no matter what channel they choose to use.


that goes beyond the surface to understand the customer and customize their experience.

Frictionless experiences

that remove obstacles throughout the customer journey and provide the highest quality of convenience and service.