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Explore the trends that will impact the banking landscape in 2025 and beyond.Read the report

Accelerating a Future-proof & Customer-centric Digital Banking Architecture

Cyrus Daruwala, IDC's MD of Financial Services Insights recently spoke at our IDC & Backbase Leadership Banking Insights Forum 2023 in Malaysia where industry experts and banking leaders deep dive into innovation, acceleration, differentiation, customer experience, aspirations, possibilities and more in digital banking — empowering you with actionable insights to navigate the complexities of this mobile-first and digital-first platform era.

In this keynote, Cyrus stated that “70% of the other APAC markets are into pure build and are failing.” More than US$100Billion had been spent on digital initiatives without significant ROE.

From this video, you will get to learn:

  • Grounded examples, benchmarks and steps to help you maneuver and grow in effectiveness in this new era of banking services

  • What is a DX Economy

  • How to maximize and show your true ROE through an Engagement Banking Platform within the Malaysia landscape.


  • Cyrus Daruwala

    MD, Global Financial Services, IDC