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Techcombank leverages Backbase Engagement Banking Platform for Retail Banking transformation success

Backbase and Techcombank had recently won the best CX Partner in Retail Banking at the The Digital Banker CX 2023 Awards. During the 3-way interview with the Digital Banker Newsroom, Techcombank had shared how their strategic digital transformation journey was facilitated by Backbase's Engagement Banking Platform’s ability to develop cutting-edge experiences for their customers, increase their system’s agility and scalability that bore remarkable success for the bank.

The interview talks about how Backbase Engagement Banking platform’s modular architecture helps Techcombank to create seamless bespoke customer journeys tailored to Vietnamese customers' preferences. Techcombank's mobile app witnessed the onboarding of over 50% of new customers, maintaining a remarkable consistency of ratings between 4.7 and 4.8 stars on the app store with over 200,000 ratings after the implementation.


  • Mukesh Pilania

    Executive Vice President & Head of Digital Banking, Techcombank
  • Mobasher Kazmi

    Head of Research, The Digital Banker, Global Private Banker